1 min read

People always ask me how I learnt Tarot cards.? 

I definitely had my intuitiveness before I owned Tarot cards. 

I was always told that someone should buy you a set of Tarot cards and you should always keep them wrapped in cloth!  What a croc that is. I waited 20 years and still no-one had bought me a pack. Every once in a while I would go have a reading done and every time I was fascinated to look at the cards and hear the interpretation from the reader. I would normally be upset and in tears as the cards spelt out my traumas and dilemmas. So I began to trust the cards. Their design so clever. Their Author and illustrator so genius to make each card so dynamic in its meaning and telling.

I say, if you want to learn Tarot. Go ahead. And don’t delay in buying your cards! Find your way with them, use them every day.

I will do my best to share each card on my social platforms and I look forward to joining your journey 💚


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